⭐️ 100% HAPPINESS GUARANTEE. We are 100% committed to making your and your cat’s lifes more easy and fun! If for some reason you are not thrilled with our product, simply contact us for a replacement or refund.
⭐️ MADE FOR PETS. Made from lead-free ceramic. Holds 5 ounces of dry or wet food to prevent overfeeding. Saucer like, this cat dish is designed specifically for cats to provide whisker relief and stress free mealtime.
⭐️ SMART DESIGN. Patented shallow form with ripples allows your cat to get the food easily, which prevents whisker fatigue and keeps his/her face clean. Non-slip silicone ring prevent bowls from sliding around on the floor.
⭐️ SIMPLE TO OPERATE. Can be used in dishwasher and microwave.
⭐️ SIZE: 6.6" x 6.6" x 1.2" | Protected by U.S. & International Patents.